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Engine 13 2020 Sutphen Monarch Rescue Pumper 1500 gmp, 750 gallon water tank & 30 gallon foam tank

Engine 13A 2006 Sutphen S2 Pumper 1500 gpm pump, 750 gallon water tank & 30 gallon foam tank

Engine 13B 1995/2017 Sutphen Deluge Pumper 1500 gpm pump, 750 gallon water tank

Rescue 13 1991 Sutphen/EVI Heavy Rescue with SCBA Filling Station, Hydralic Tools & Confine Space
Squad 13 2021 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 This quick response vehicle is a cost effective solution to the ever rising Medical Call Responses.

The Districts first two pieces of apparatus that were purchased and not built by the founding members were a Demo 1968 Ford/Boardman Pumper, with a 1000 gpm pump and 500 gallon water tank. in 1972 they purchased what we consider a twin to that truck, the 1972 Ford/Boardman Pumper.